The PESO Model – How Paid, Earned and Owned Media Work Together

PESO Model

A decade ago, the PESO Model became a popular way for PR to explain how different marketing channels work together. It helped marketers understand that a website and a few social media posts alone aren’t enough to reach consumers in today’s digital world. The idea behind the model is that brands should focus on paid, earned, and owned media to reach consumers in an intelligent way.

Paid Media

Often considered the first “P” in the model, paid media includes advertising on platforms like Google or Facebook to drive traffic and brand visibility. Typically, marketers who use paid media focus on metrics like click-through rates and conversions to demonstrate the effectiveness of their campaigns.

Earned Media

The second “P” in the PESO Model, earned media involves sharing content with your audience through channels outside of your control. This includes online reviews, case studies, and webinars that your audience can listen to or watch. In order to maximize the impact of your earned media, you should be monitoring your brand’s reputation on all channels and responding quickly to anything that may harm it.

Owned Media

The final “P” in the PESO Model, owned media refers to any channels that your company controls. This includes your website, email newsletters, and social profiles. By controlling your own channels, you can create content that is tailored to your audience’s needs and interests. This type of personalized content can help you build a trusting relationship with your audience, and can also be an effective tool for driving SEO traffic to your website.

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